Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hello, hello!

Sooooo, I have like noooo time so this will be short. 

1st of all, 

Tuesday, we got to go to a fireside where Family Tauhiro got to share their conversion story. I will NEVER get tired of their story! It honestly is the best. The fireside started out with Soeur Kavera and I where we talked about how we met the family. Then, Elder Taylor talked about his part in their story and then we had the blessing of hearing the testimonies of the family. It was so incredibly sweet for me to hear their testimonies again because I got to see their progression since their baptism. The biggest change was Denis, the father, because he was the most hesitant and now that he holds the Melchizedek Priesthood and has a calling, he definitely is a different person. We got to catch up and I was happy to tell them that I will most likely be able to assist at their temple sealing the day that I leave for home, the 24th of February. What a blessing that will be to assist at their sealing JUST before I get on the plane. I sure hope I can.

Speaking of great conversion stories, we had the baptism of Hina Teaurai this past weekend. FINALLY! I have never been so happy that we never gave up on them. Every time we came with our smiles and positivity when they weren't feeling so motivated was worth it. Every time. Hina-ora, their daughter, sang I am a Child of God with us at the baptism and that was incredibly cute and touching. We did a split the day of the baptism so I was with Soeur Faana again and we both loved to see this great baptism. We got to contact the brother in law of Hélaman and we are going to see them on Thursday. I feel like one of the reasons I'm still in Mahina is for the family of Teaurai :) 

Remember when I did a split with Soeur Ntsiete? She's my companion now! I'm excited to work with her. It was weird dropping off Soeur Teauroa today but I know that she will continue to do great things in her life. 

Well, that's all I have time for. Love y'all and have a great week!!

CENTIPEDE - these things are dangerous.

Look what I learned to make today! A cover for my journal. Mami Teura taught me :)

I thank my Mother for my good manual and artistic skills - you're the best!

Soeur Taylor 

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